Based on my growth in the different competences, I have set new goals. I have also made a first draft of my new PDPa for the second semester.

To create a more concrete vision I want to go on the study trip to Milan. In February I will look for more information about this trip and decide I am able to participate. In the RSDL-week I will also visit the exhibition The Green Light District in Kortrijk (Belgium) and reflect about it in my showcase.
I want to apply this competence directly in a future project the next semester. I will do that by filling in a business model canvas. I will ask an expert for feedback and reflect on it in my showcase.
If nothing else, I will approach an expert before March 1. I will ask the expert about a good book to study to learn about the influences of different cultures in a design process.
The past semester I combined different pre-made codes with my own for creating a prototype. This semester I want to improve my skills in coding from scratch. During the SDL-week I will finish a tutorial covering this skill on
In my new project group I will try to not by annoyed by small things and work with positive energy. At the end of the project I will ask my team members to give feedback on my teamwork and reflect on it in my showcase.
 I want to study more theory about user centred design, to analyze the results more structurally to get more information out of it. During the SDL week I will study the IDEO Human Centered Design Toolkit and reflect about it.
In the project I will use the skills I learned with the expert session information brokering for doing research. In my showcase I will reflect on the results and its influence on the project.
I want to use to skills I learnt in the assignment Basic Formgiving Skills in a prototype for the project, thus focusing on the form instead of the technology as I did in the first semester. During the SDL-week I want to make an abstract shape out of something different than MDF, to experiment with using new materials.
I want to improve my sketching as a means of ideazation and conceptualization. Before the mid-term demoday I will sketch an object in my room in 4 stages of abstraction. These sketches should be accurate and contain elements like shadowing.
To have a solid base of mathematical modeling, I want to pass the basic courses Physics and Modeling this academic year.

I also made plans for the activities that I am going to do in the new semester.

ProjectAssignmentsBasic courses
In the new semester I’d like to expercience the atmosphere at another theme. I have a preference for two projects: Gamification of training in Smart Health and Responsive Performance Spaces in Out of Control. What I find interesting about these projects is that they are about interaction. The project in Smart Health is more concrete and could be a great opportunity to develop in DBP and SCA, while the project in Out of Control gives room for growth SCA, DRP and IT.
There are two assignments that are in my opinion really relevant for the competences I want to develop in.

DG412 Intercultural Awareness

This assignment is a good way to study influences of different cultures in a design process and to get awareness of the competency SCA.

DG590 Disruptive Business Processes

By doing this assignment I can learn to put DBP into practice. The subject is also interesting because of its relations to  succesful companies of nowadays like Über and AirBnB. What they have in common is a disruptive business model.

In semester 2 I will follow introduction to modeling 0LEB0. I hope this will improve my knowledge and skills of DMM. In the second quartile I’ll do the course USE, which will help me in developing DBP and UFP.