João Pedro “Joca” van der Horst / 19 years old (turning 20 in February) / Dutch-Brazilian roots / loves writing / + taking (analog) photographs / Born in Arnhem, been in Amsterdam / now based in Eindhoven / ENFP personality a

I am a disciplined worker and I love to learn new things all by myself. That’s how I started with photography, writing and graphic design. I like to have a sense of freedom, being in control of my development. Within the educational model at the department of Industrial Design I am able to integrate these things in my studies.

“Very conscious, analytical, interested… but maybe a little bit too cognitive (i.e., looking for the right insights and arguments)”b

J.B.O.S. Martens, coach

When I started at high school, I had the somewhat naïve ideal to be a ‘uomo universali’c. I still believe (a little) knowledge of a great variety of disciplines is the key to understanding other people better and seeing things in a broader perspective.

Next to design I am really interested in journalism, especially in innovative initiatives in this field like Blendle and De Correspondent.