
Integrating Technology Making the next step forward

My B1.1 project was a product that was wirelessly connected to a central system, the final prototype didn’t include this functionality. This semester I succeeded in making the project Massine wireless and connected to a central system. It shows that I made a step forward in this competency.

Next to integrating wireless technology, accelerometers and gyroscopes, I learned to work with Processing and used it in the project as the central piece of software that connects the prototype to a Digital Audio Workstation and OOCSI to connect with other projects and influence them.

I learned how to work with multiple people on coding, using good documentation. What I can improve is to make sure the structure of the code stays ordered throughout the process. The result worked, but after adding new features, other methods for old ones and fixing bugs with workarounds the code was more complicated than required. I need to improve this, because it helps in understanding the code and improving it in the future.

The circuit of the final prototype of Massine.

The circuit of the final prototype of Massine.