In my first semester I followed the basic courses Calculus and Physics. By doing these courses I saw a lot of applications of DMM in ID-projects, which gave me a better understanding of what this competence is about. It is broader than just abstracting things to formulas. It is also about the arrangement and analysis of information. The DG000 assignment about this competence made me realize that. The exercise was about filling in an interaction scheme for our project.

The scheme itself was chaotic, because we used our own format instead of the recommended one. Though I learned a lot about how a system needs to work to be logical for the user and the system itself, which influenced our view on how our product should work from details as its colors, to the electronic components.

Using modeling in practice is something I could improve on. For ekk Bounce the focus lied mainly on the modeling of the user-side of the product. In a future project I want to focus more on modeling the system side of a product in a good way. This can be of great use for structuring the software of a prototype for example.
